Emma Hodgkinson | Strategy & Channel Director at Logic + Magic
Join the Alliance & our
Event Details
Emma Hodgkinson | Strategy & Channel Director at Logic + Magic
Join the Alliance & our Member Lead of the Strategy & Planning Action Group – Emma Hodgkinson for this online session:
You’re Invited: Strategy Bootcamp: Why wait for the January health craze? On the 19th November with exactly six weeks left until 2025, it’s time to flex our strategic muscles and get in peak condition for a strong year ahead.
Here’s what we’ll be working out:
EXERCISE 1: HEALTHIER– Which habits should we bulk up and keep in our daily workout, and which ones do we need to shred?
EXERCISE 2: HAPPIER – There are no medals for burnout. What truly brings us joy? Let’s tweak our routines to maximize happiness and performance.
EXERCISE 3: FOCUSED– How can we help clients, who are still hurdling through Q4, get fully prepared for the marathon ahead in 2025? EXERCISE 4: SELLING – Time to build that financial muscle. How do we ensure we’re flexing our expertise and selling strategy in the right way for maximum gains in 2025? COOL DOWN: HOW CAN WE HELP EACH OTHER
Get ready to finish the year stronger than ever—because strategists don’t just wait, we train! 💪
About the Strategy & Planning Action Group: A chance for anybody in membership with a role in strategy and planning (or those interested in strategy) to form a community. If you’re a planner, strategist or simply interested in finding out more, and could benefit from peer to peer interaction within your speciality then please come along to these quarterly sessions.