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Category: GWI

10 Characteristics Of Baby Boomers In 2024 By GWI

10 characteristics of baby boomers in 2024 by GWI

A quick internet search of baby boomer stereotypes will inevitably return some common, and often unfavorable, narratives. But just how…

16 Of The Best Marketing Campaigns To Know In 2024 By GWI

16 of the best marketing campaigns to know in 2024 by GWI

What makes a marketing or ad campaign stop people in their tracks, grabbing and holding their attention like a particularly…

8 Characteristics Of Gen Z In 2024 By GWI

8 characteristics of Gen Z in 2024 by GWI

It’s easy to assume that if you’re the same age as someone, you’ve had similar life experiences. That holds up…

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