This year’s Festival of Happiness will be focused on the theme that to achieve a high performing agency, leaders must pay attention to the wellbeing and happiness of their people. The event will be held in the amazing conference facility of Google King’s Cross and will host 250 agency leaders keen to propel their agencies to the next level of high performance. The event will be conducted over four areas of the event space, enabling keynote speakers to address an audience of 240 people, breakout and workshop rooms, a live podcast studio and a large space for networking and discovering the latest books and publications on the topic of Culture and Performance.
Our keynote speakers and their themes:
High performance through happy people (Elaine Jobson)
Winning performance starts with exceptional culture (Bruce Daisley)
Happy Employees – Happy Client -Agency Success (Matt Phelan)
Are you ready for high performance? (Clive Hyland & Victoria Hall)