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At jellybean we nurture an inclusive culture of positivity and personal development. A key part of that personal development is the training we offer all beans. Over the years we have had a number of our team attend the Alliance Diploma and would recommend it to other agencies, having seen the benefits it can bring both for the individual and the company.

We talk about inspiration a lot in our business. The people in our agency who come back from the Alliance Diploma, are inspired, fired up and ready to take on anything.

At ZEAL we have created the ‘ZEAL Academy’ to consistently train and develop all our team to help them reach their full potential. At the heart of our Academy has always been the Alliance Diploma. Since its inception, we have consistently invested in our client service, planning and creative teams by enrolling them on this excellent course. The Diploma gives our team useful external perspectives of a range of industry challenges with teaching from leading experts. The process gives our team greater confidence and the practical skills they learn are used on the job every day. We believe our investment in the Alliance Diploma pays back tenfold and best of all, the team enjoy it too.

“Having been strong advocates for the Alliance over many years, we at Wasserman have always found The Diploma to be an extremely valuable tool as we seek to give our junior team the strongest possible start in the marketing industry. Whether team members have joined us from great university courses or other channels, we and they have always appreciated the opportunity of extra investment in their preparation that this initiative affords. We are all agreed that the Alliance Diploma is structured in ways that provide valuable skills gleaned from experience as shared by the tutors. And the people who have attended the course have come back to the agency more worldly, confident and hungry for success”.

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