Jon Goulding – CEO | Atomic
I’m afraid we’re now at capacity for the meeting room,
Event Details
Jon Goulding – CEO | Atomic
I’m afraid we’re now at capacity for the meeting room, if you would like to join the waiting list (in the event of cancellations) please email:
As independent agency owners, we don’t always get the time, the financial resources or access to the right diverse experience needed to help us grow as quickly as we’d like. Whether it’s finding the right partners or an injection of growth funding to help realise a bigger ambition for our companies, sometimes we’re simply selling ourselves short by just not having enough of the right conversations.
We’re hosting a round table discussion, for CEO’s of independent agencies, to share our collective experience and explore opportunities to help turbo charge our growth. Keeping our independence but helping us become the dominant forces we can be.
We will discuss “How do we use our independence to turbo charge growth?”.
The session will be hosted by Jon Goulding, CEO Atomic London and take place on Thursday 14th March from 10-11.30 am at their offices 12-16 Laystall Street, London, EC1R 4PF.