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thu27apr9:30 amthu10:30 am9:30 am - 10:30 am CEO Summit - Is salary inflation out of control? (Member Event)

Event Details

Clive Mishon, Founder | The Alliance of Independent Agencies
Rosa Rolo _ Group Strategy Director | Majar Group

The latest People Pulse has highlighted that salary & benefits remains a key factor in employee satisfaction. This is not surprising during a period when the cost of living is skyrocketing.

Therefore, this CEO Summit is to focus on salaries & benefits and coincides with the results being published by Major Players of their Salary Survey.

In addition, we will be announcing the findings of the work the Alliance has done with Major Players as to salaries within Independent Agencies and where they may differ from others.

To help us in this discussion will be Rosa Rolo, Group Commercial Director of Majar Group (owners of Major Players)


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