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Upcoming Events

Events Details Booking
  • Business Skills
  • Client Service
  • Free Training
  • Presentation Skills

TRAINING : Back in the Spotlight
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 - 09:30 -10:30

Presenting in Person has always been a challenge for some and since remote working has become the norm it’s even harder to engage a live audience, but the benefits when...
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Tickets Available
£0.00 - £150.00

  • Digital
  • Free Training

TRAINING : How Agencies Need to Change with the Digital Landscape
Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 09:30 -10:30

Are you aware of the latest digital innovations that can affect your work and industry? Do you have the time and resources to understand what digital tech innovations are available...
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Tickets Available
£0.00 - £150.00

  • Free Training
  • Wellbeing & Mental Health

TRAINING : How to Tame Your Inner Critic
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - 09:30 -10:30

One of the biggest blockers to success or taking action at work, is our inner critic. We all have one, and it is chattering all the time. In fact, research...
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Tickets Available
£0.00 - £150.00

  • Client Service
  • Free Training
  • Strategy & Planning

TRAINING : Find Out What Clients Really Want from Agencies Today
Thursday, November 28, 2024 - 09:30 -10:30

In business there is one transformative word that really matters. It builds your business and, the lack of it, can lose you business. That word is trust. For this course...
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Tickets Available
£0.00 - £150.00

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